Winters Music

After several months of unusual warmth winter has finally come and dropped a few cloudfulls of snow on our little world. The geese, swans, cranes and ducks that love to stop over on our protected wetland preserve have all gone now, perhaps enjoying balmier, sun-drenched southern climes.
Small horse and little moon-cow have put on some winter weight, grown thick woolly coats and don't usually want to leave the comfort of their deep, golden straw-beds. We humans are staying warm and cozy as well, safe in the enfolding walls of our little cabin-house. Outside, the snow falls in tiny frozen crystal-flakes and drifts into wind shaped ripples, reminding one of beach sands and long, golden, summer days. Yet winter is a time of tempering and reflection, a perfect backdrop for creative endeavor, regeneration and healing. Our ancestors living close to the land understood . . . they honored and acknowledged earths ancient cycles, moving in rhythm with her instead of inhabiting artificial uni-season environments which has become a way of life for so many of us now.
It seems to me that we are missing something vital, nourishing and rich in our relentless quest to control and dominate the natural world. After all, it is the tree that is challenged and experiences all of the nuances of seasons and weather that grows the sturdiest and has the most character in the end.
A few weeks ago we were awakened by flashes of lightening and the strange sounds of muffled thunder and were lucky enough to experience a very rare phenomenon known as Thundersnow. Amazing and quite wonderous . . . such a magical gift!
Yes, snow has certainly been the focus here of late, shoveling it, driving through it, walking in it, catching it on clothes and hair, eyelashes and lips, marveling at its perfect crystalline design . . . No wonder the notes came so easily one morning, guiding my heart
and fingers, as I watched the ancient, white wonder
of softly falling snow . . . . . .
Wintertime Blessings, SvG