I have been wondering a lot lately about bloodlines, connections, ancestral patterns and the intricate nuances of the family tree. . Like the greater Tree of All Life, there seems to be a strength and purpose to its growth and form, as if there is some mystical, self sustaining blueprint in even the tiniest of roots and branches.
The curious thing is, why are some of the branches so defective by nature that they cant help but twist themselves around companion twigs and limbs in a desperate attempt to parasitize, prune, and suck life from them. They don't seem to understand that all sustenance, theirs included, comes directly from the great, warm heart of the Life Tree itself. There is no need for control, manipulation or attack on fellow twigs and seedlings. An endless supply of love and nourishment is already there, wide open, and ready to be surrendered into.
What got me wondering about all this was a recent event in my own life . . . an unexpected and magical reunion with long missed kin, sisters that had shared the life and love., traumas and joys of a younger, more naive, existence. Sisters who long ago fled the snares of a damaged, soul-stealing mother-branch, never to return.
What an amazing re-connection. . . the divine blueprint shifting, shaping, returning to its natural order.
It was late evening when, drum in hand, I walked alone through the darkness, every sense attuned and aware. Entering into the rock ringed healing circle, I stopped momentarily in honoring, gratitude, and acknowledgement, before quietly moving to sit on the jagged, round coolness of a huge, old boulder. Slowly I began what I had come for, drumming down the walls of a lifetime of hurts and disconnection.
After a while, the hum of life force could be felt vibrating up through the old stones solid form seeking an avenue in my own body. I let it pour through, and over, and into me, surrendering to what was happening, had to happen. My heart and soul cried out, merging with all time, all space, all Love., until there was only the transcendental sound of resonant drumbeats over-toning against the immense pulsations of the great, primordial Heart of all the World.
As I drummed for Love, for healing, for family and friends and all that is good and pure and honest . . . a chorus joined in from the direction of the nearby pond. Small frogs trilled musically, weaving their watery songs around the rhythms already in place. We were all singing then . . . stones, frogs, me, wind spirits, thunder beings, all brothers and sisters, born of Mother Earth, connected by heart, and soul, and ancient lineage..
And suddenly it was clear . . .Yes, through sincerity, purification and enduring dedication, divine healing can occur, in hearts, in souls, in families, as well as in all of life . . . Love and drum beats moving through time and distance to help re-awaken lives once shared, sadly missed, and often dreamed of. The sacred bonds of twig and branch, leaf and limb, suddenly regenerated and ready to bloom anew. The ancient tree of kith and kin flowering once more with the gifts of loving generosity and support for those whose blood inheritance is so close to our own.
It makes me think, perhaps we should all listen more closely to the sacred drumbeats of our ancestral life, giving love and thanks for all who came before and will come after our own leaves have withered and fallen. After all, each one of us will eventually die to be recycled as choiceless nourishment for the ancient Tree from which we all sprang, the song of our branch mates a call for redemption and continuity. . . .
The drum beat on, and a new awareness came, sweeping all away before it. Each small leaf and twig shone with life, and long dormant secrets were unveiled, leaving behind the whispered council of ancestors long past and the uneasy revelations of those still living. After a time the night stilled, the frogs fell silent, and the drumbeats grew slow and soft, until at last, they faded away altogether. . . .The old stone lay in peaceful serenity, the storm clouds lifted, and the shine of the full moon turned everthing to silver . . .
In closing I would like to say . . .Deepest honoring to my precious brother and sisters for your perseverance, courage, understanding and love. May each of your branches continue to grow and bloom with the gifts of creative inspiration, kindness and compassion for all. And, for those, past, present and future, who have not found the beauty and strength of your true place on this sacred Tree, may love open your hearts and forgiveness heal your wounded spirits.
Peace, and Sacred Drumbeats, SvG