I hope each one of you had a wonderful day filled with good eats, family, friends, and of course much love and gratitude.
Here on the homestead the day was quiet, snowy and overcast with an off and on odd little misty drizzle. Our hens refused to even come out of the coop, preferring to remain indoors on their perches instead of risking wet feathers and cold feet. Evidently goat mama and daughter were of the same mind. I noticed they had made a hay bed just inside their door opening where they could remain dry yet still observe any outdoor goings on.
The Pomeranian girls were under foot in the kitchen all day so as not to miss out on any dropped goodies and scraps from the Thanksgiving fixings. There were mad dashes to be first to grab a bit of bread or celery as well as growly little squabbles over carrot pieces and escaped apple slices. Meanwhile, little white cat took up her favorite place under the dining table where she could safely watch everything take shape as various cooking pots were filled and set to simmer on the stove.
Despite the challenges of caring for a chronically disabled loved one, it was a good day. There is always so much to be grateful for. Each day is a gift to be honored, cherished, and embraced. Peace is alive in the little moments between cares, thoughts and worries. True happiness really all comes down to one thing, trusting your heart to the infinite power of love.
Thanksgiving blessings to all,